Sunday, July 24, 2016

Kids Snapshot and Chicago/Michigan Trip July 2016

Paul to Elise very enthusiastically the other day "Elise...we need to make a machine that makes cookies for the whole world after I'm done pooping."

Paul - I have to remember he's come a long way.  When he's on, he's the kind of on I imagine the ideal relationship and interaction to be with your 4 year old son.  Doesn't get any better than the times he's on.  Up for anything, helpful as can be, positive attitude with every activity we do, knows and follows the rules, and fun to chat with.  When he's off though, o man, it's my biggest personal challenge with keeping my patience and calm and perspective.  It could be the littlest thing that sets him off .  He seems to only wear soccer shirts and soccer shorts and his soccer shirt must be tucked in (like the Timbers he says).   He has the bad habit of biting his nails.  It seems like he has his fingers in his mouth 24x7 these days.  He's got natural athletic ability with a great attitude which is super fun to watch.  He'll ride 4 miles on his bike while Nate runs because he wants to, regularly asks me to race him wherever we are, and will easily play an hour of Tennis with me.  

Elise greets me every morning with an amazing hug.  She is always up for giving one of her big hugs. Elise is simply such a sweet girl, incredibly independent, and can be very social.   She does get very easily scared these days....don't take her to an IMAX theater, fireworks show, or any room without a light on.   She LOVES Oma. They have a very special relationship.  She'll sneak downstairs to Oma whenever she can. She even said no to going out for dinner with the family and preferred to stay home with Oma.  She is also very much into drawing and looking at books like her sister.  She often asks me what words she randomly writes like "ARQAR."  She doesn't show much interest in playing sports but she enjoys watching and cheering on Paul - hope that one isn't a phase.  

Lily is 7 years old and overall very independent,  yet keeps me guessing on which Lily I'll get.  I might get the super happy and helpful Lily doting on her siblings, picking out clothes, wanting to do a sleepover with them, making their cereal or I'll get the argumentative Lily in the mood to torment and taunt her siblings and say no to anything I suggest from please brush your hair to choosing a family adventure for the day.   She has such an athletic build - super muscular arms that she hasn't had to really work for.  She hasn't grasped the lesson that things which don't come easy might still be worth doing.   Lily is an avid reader and drawer. As social and independent as she is, she balances it with a lot of alone reading time.  It was fun to watch her approaching people and chatting away with customers at New Seasons selling jam with me for the twin's preschool. She also had no problem asking workers to help her find the items on a shopping list I gave her. She'll also retreat when she's uncomfortable in whatever group setting we are in and read quietly alone for the entire time.  I wish it was easier to get more alone time with her.

As for July, we spent a chunk of it visiting family in Chicago and around Michigan.  Here are a few pics from our trip.

Spent the 4th on Lake Michigan with my side of the family.  

 Getting ice cream on the 4th of July after a cute parade in Saugatuck, MI
 4th of July sunset on Lake Michigan

Fireworks show by master of ceremony, my brother.  Very happy Lily and Paul.  Terrified Elise didn't stick around for the show....nor did I...but heard it was awesome.  

Attempt at a family shot.  Get the timing right with time of day or you'll give up and just do this instead.  

Elise with cousin Emma and Aunt Lolo.  

We then visited Nate's grandparents Wally and Doris at their lake house on Klinger Lake.  They are in their 90's and stubborn still refusing to ask for help while hosting us.

Next stop - Ann Arbor to visit Nate's parents and sister.  His Grandpa Wally happened to be in a car show too.  
Attempt at a cousins shot.  Paul wasn't having it.
Lily and her cousin Sophia

Had a blast surprising Manju at her work in our old stomping grounds of the Detroit suburbs.  

Got out for a very fun dinner, just adults.  Last time we did that was in 2008 in NYC.  
 Kids had no problem having a blast playing with Manju and Abi's toys.
Fun picture of all our kids together.  Nala (6), Lily (7), Shivan (7), Paul (4), Maya (3), Elise (4)

 Made our way back to Chicago at the end of our trip to check out Millenium Park and the new very cool Maggie Daley park behind it while hanging with Lolo, Oma and Opa again before flying back to PDX.

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