Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Great May

Ever since Lily was born, May has been my favorite month of the year and that's saying a lot because I'm a HUGE fan of celebrating my Birthday in November and milking it for however long I can. May is filled with Lily's Birthday, Wedding Anniversary, and Mother's Day; the usually great weather in May is the cherry on top.  

So, yeah, May was especially good to us this year.  Nate and I are still on a high from our 47 hour long anniversary getaway.  Thanks to Nate's parents, we actually got away.  We didn't go far but it was our longest time away from the kids since Lily arrived.  10 years!  It seems short until we consider all that's happened in the meantime... transatlantic moves, kids, ups, downs, and all arounds.  Here's to the next 10!

Lily is now our 7 year old.  She continues to LOVE art.  She is also busy practicing her cartwheels, hand stands,  splits,  riding her bike, singing, reading Harry Potter, pestering me for roller skates, and enjoying her Highlights magazine (particularly for the jokes).  Lily can be grumpy and downright mean at times but then flip and be this engaging and friendly Lily the next moment.  I guess she's 7 going on 16.  At least at age 16, I have a hunch I won't be fighting with her to BRUSH HER HAIR.  

Paul and Elise simply crack me up.  They are playing together more than ever making booby traps and pirate ships and castle parties.  They are also into creating plays for us to watch which never amount to much besides introducing each other but I love every second of it.  Nate was sternly disciplining Elise the other night and Elise said "God is gonna hit you."  Wow.  Paul was telling some long winded story the other day and he ended it by saying "I'm so high up that I'll catch an eagle and then I'm gonna bake it on the stove."  Love this age.  

Here are a few pics from May

Lily giving Paul a piggyback ride on our walk home from school because he was complaining of being tired.  Lily will do something sweet like that but then later bonk him on the head and say she hates him.  

Love this card Lily made me for Mothers Day.  My face flips open to be another expression.
Gorge hike as part of our anniversary getaway.  IT.WAS.WONDERFUL

 Lily got spoiled (as did we as guests) with a 2nd Birthday party with our great friend Dot who also celebrated a big Birthday.  It was super fun to watch them plan it out together in advance.  And I have no clue why she decided to dress like a prairie girl for it.
Checking out Laurelhurst Park.  It had been a while.
Right before Lily performed at a retirement community with her choir.  Proud of her.  She says she's so nervous like a broken record but the moment it's time to just do it, she rocked it.  Stood up proud, sang loud, and smiled.
 First family bike ride along the Springwater Corridor and crossing Tillikum Bridge.  That day will be remembered as Elise's big moment because she overcame some biking fears and rode about seven miles!
 Lily's German-themed 7th Birthday Party.  She has pretty much lost her German language but not her love for Gelbwurst, Pretzels, Fleischsalat, and Leberkase.

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