Sunday, November 26, 2017

European Vacation 2.5: Tellaro and Como

After Tuscany we made our way back to Munich.  We had wanted to make it to Cinque Terre but it was going to be too time consuming so we went with our Tuscany host's recommendation of Tellaro, which was easy to pop into for a quick visit and lunch before making our way up to Lake Como where we were spending the night midway to Munich. 

Like the Cinque Terre towns, Tellaro is basically built into a cliff down to the water.

Narrow streets slowly leading down to the sea.  The town's symbol is an octopus which you could see on doorknobs, mosaics, etc.  Legend has it that the town used to get pillaged by pirates all the time and they always had a lookout in the church steeple.  One night he fell asleep and pirates were closing in when an octopus climbed out of the sea and up the church tower to ring the bells to defend the town.  The kids ate that one up.

Moods were not the best on this morning... but at least Paul was chipper at this moment.

And less chipper after slipping and getting a wet butt.  

The scenery and views were enough to make us want to come back again to check out Cinque Terre.

We made one more stop on our way back to Munich.  There are so many picturesque lakes and mountainous back drops between northern Italy and Munich so I honestly didn't expect to be blown away.  We had seen so many beautiful towns up to this point with the same ingredients.  If I had to describe Lake Como in one word, it would probably be fancy.  It just had that overall feel exploring the intimate cobble stoned streets of downtown.   A cute airbnb, yummy local dinner, boat ride, and enough time to walk around before and after sunset (with gelato in hand) was such a sweet way to end our road trip.  

It was our first time staying in a place that had a see through ceiling where the playroom full of toys was above the dining room.  How cool is that?

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