Saturday, October 31, 2020

Fall 2020 News

 After 9 days of wildfire smoke, mostly blue skies and mild temperatures thankfully returned these past 8 weeks.  The kids continue to do online school full time from home.  It's far from fun and regularly frustrating.  Screen time is a necessary evil and I feel like I am far from keeping the screen beast under control in our house.  Sometimes getting Lily or Elise out of their pj's and outside for a walk around the block is a victory worth celebrating.

We managed to escape for a long weekend to the Mt. Hood National Forest with Oma and Opa.  Mountain fresh air, a change in scenery, and some aggressive air hockey duels felt good.  I took Paul down to central Oregon to visit his buddy for some boy time as well.  Even though mountain biking and building forts with his friend made him happy, being away from his sisters probably made him happier.  I didn't mind having him to myself either at all.

2020 keeps serving up plenty of challenges for us from a health perspective.  Lily's headaches had gotten bad enough that an MRI was justified. Her results were a-ok so we can focus on helping her migraines.  I have had a series of iron IV infusions to combat a battle inside my own body that feels like a never ending war.  Elise has her next macrodactyly appointment coming up in early November and her next surgery timing is starting to crawl onto our radar.  There was one challenge that has now come up that's different from the others because I completely willingly chose to take it on.  I accepted a full time job offer back in the semiconductor industry starting in December.  The craziness of it is real to me but the excited kind of nervousness is even more real. The desire to give it a go is strong. We will see how it plays out.  Watch out work - I'm back.  

COVID cases seem to be rising all around the US and in Europe.  Election day is in 3 days and I'm so over it.  Love the record breaking voter turnout and hate how ugly the election is and how it truly feels like so much is at stake.  The near future feels a bit ominous but I'm hopeful that by my next blog post,  the outlook will be a little brighter.

Getaway to Welches Oregon

Lily out for a hike with Oma and Opa (yes, Opa actually went for a hike)

Our Halloween front yard decor

Paul hangin' with his buddy Alex in Black Butte

Mountain biking is by far the passion they share together

My gut told me Lily's MRI would turn out normal but the power of doubt can rear it's ugly head at moments.  This was taken on our rockin Friday night at OHSU for her MRI.  

Playing in the leaves at Wallace Park

Decorating Halloween cookies with Oma

Lily the two face modernistic purple evil elf, Paul the grumpy businessman, and Elise as a Slytherin

Halloween fun with our dear friends

Instead of carving pumpkins this year, we decided to smash them instead.  Felt like it was a much more 2020 appropriate thing to do.

Here are some videos of pumpkin batting practice. Much more satisfying smashing pumpkins than carving pumpkins this year.

Happy Halloween!


  1. Hi - thanks for sharing. Is there a way I could get in contact with you via email? I have a niece whose parents are deciding whether or not to go ahead with operation. Her mum would really like to connect with someone who has been through this. I’m new to all this blogging etc but am so glad to have chances upon your blog!! It’s been awesome reading about your little girl and the success of her operation. I wish you and your family all the best. Stay safe.

  2. Jacqueline. I hope you see this. Please email me at Happy to help.
