Sunday, November 29, 2020

Election, 1st Communion, Macrodactyly

     In my last post, I hoped my next blog post would have a brighter outlook in terms of COVID and the election outcome.  The best day of 2020 happened to fall on my Birthday.  11/07/2020 was when Joe Biden & Kamala Harris were declared the winners of the 2020 presidential election.  My vote for sanity, science, equality, and compassion won by a staggering 6 million votes and a very comfortable electoral college margin.  I didn't realize just how much I missed hearing a president speak with compassion to what so many American families are struggling through this past year.  The other new bright spot was multiple vaccines coming out in record time (a year compared to a decade in the past - just wow).  Unfortunately, COVID cases have continued to rise all over the world dimming those bright spots.  I read somewhere that the US has 5% of the world's population but almost 20% of COVID deaths.  Experts say we are in the "densest" part of the pandemic with more than 1000 COVID deaths per day in the US.  Hospitals are once again stretched thin even though they are better prepared to treat the patients compared to the spring.  We are again in a lockdown-light aka a freeze.  The freeze feels messier now with pandemic fatigue impacting the actions of many and the restrictions not being consistent.  I do believe our Governor and her team of experts are doing the best they can.  

    The other big news from November was Paul and Elise's rescheduled first communion.  Because of the freeze, it was suggested to pick a mass and they would just make it work.  So, on a rainy Tuesday evening, Paul and Elise accepted the Eucharist for the first time with an audience of 20 people in a cathedral that can hold over a thousand.  No music and everyone masked. The 6 month delay and not attending mass these last 6 months definitely didn't help make the occasion as special as it is intended but it was memorable nonetheless.  One's relationship with God is a lifelong journey and however this milestone plays out for them over the course of their life, Nate and I hope they see the value in a spiritual path.  

Sunrise on 11/3, election morning


These two know how to calm our hearts

Happy Dance after hearing the election results

Opa's 83rd Birthday with steak of course
Macrodactyly appointment with Elise at Shriners Hospital.  Monitoring 3 things. 1. X-ray on leg length difference increased from just under 2cm to just over 2cm in the last year and change.  Over 2cm is when surgery option is on the table - but not until she's probably between 12-14.  2. Measure and monitor soft tissue growth and how it impacts shoe fit and comfort. That is up to us on whether or when to do surgery.  Little return compared to the surgical risks. 3. Big toe bone is growing and rate needs to be monitored.  If it's growing too fast, might have to go in and destroy the growth plate before a possible leg length surgery.  The emotional relationship Elise is having with her special foot is getting more complicated and I see her getting a bit more down about it than I'm used to.  She's growing up.  

Oma's Birthday - kids helped make her favorite - a BLT - for her lunch

Walk with Oma near Reed College. even with masks, they can make silly faces.

First communion

Glad we could at least do this with our dear friends.  
I can see us now pulling out this crazy picture decades from now.

Thanksgiving 2020 meant takeout and taking the usual family picture except this time Opa covered up his bald spot

A hike I've been doing alone weekly for months now up to Pittock Mansion.  First time I got my whole family to hike with me.  No view at the top this time but still worth it.

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