Thursday, January 29, 2009


As you might gather from the look on my face, a few things are perplexing me.

Day care – even though we have no idea if we’ll be needing day care, we hear that these places have a waitlist and that we need to reserve a spot whether we know we’ll need it or not. It seems comical to me that we need to figure out all of the things we need to consider when selecting which daycare we’d use when we don’t even know if we’ll use one! I’m all for doing work and making decisions when they need to be made, not doing work in case a decision is needed… yes, it’s confusing, just like daycare considerations are.

Stuff – I pulled a list off of ( which is has everything you might want to buy in the first year of your baby’s life… but what the heck is a “play yard” and “bottle brush”? By default I’m saying if I don’t know what it is we don’t need it. But are we crazy for thinking we’ll use a bed side co-sleeper (definitely had to look up what that is) for a few months and not buying a crib in advance?

Doing Stuff – Are we crazy for thinking that we’ll still be able to work out and swim and run and bike after Stetsi arrives? I’m thinking one of us can just go for a swim and workout while the other is daddying or mommying. But everyone says they don’t have time for anything after the baby arrives… what gives?

Nursery – Our place is not large. We expect to have a couple of visitors stay with us right after Stetsi is born. The only place they can really stay is in the 2nd bedroom... the only place a nursery could be is in the 2nd bedroom… is it crazy to not really have a nursery for a few months? I mean yes, we'll have a changing table and... not sure what else. I guess we could just knock down the walls and have one big happy communal living thing going on, but I don’t see that happening.

Relationships – Stetsi will be our daughter, we’ll be her parents. We say our cats are our kids, and we call ourselves their parents. Does that mean Pepe will be Stetsi’s brother and Gigi will be her sister? They all have the same parents… hmm.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Nate the Great

One of the many reasons Nate deserves the title "Nate the Great" or as one of my friends calls him "The Great American Hero" for taking me off the market, is because he puts up with my love affair with "the other man." Here's a picture of his sexy selfless self:

I'd like to present, the body pillow. Even though I haven't been able to sleep through a night since sometime in 2008, he gives me hope that it's still possible (this includes going to bed very thirsty). Nate has been hit in the face by "him" and has been seen shivering in the fetal position at the corner of the bed with no sheets in sight, and yet, he doesn't complain.

My mom told me that if Stetsi hears a familiar song now on a regular basis, she'll react (fingers crossed it's positively) outside the womb. The only songs I know all the words to are The Bangles "Eternal Flame" and Sound of Music "Doe a Deer." I told Nate if he could come up with something better, I'm game. He hasn't and we've been singing these 2 songs to her almost daily for a couple months now; Nate even throws in harmony. Oh indeed, Nate is "Nate the Great."

Here are links to the songs:,

One of my favorite Christmas in Chicago 2008 memories occurred while lounging at my brother's place. I had just told Sonya and Eric that we sing Eternal Flame to Stetsi and instead of the hilarious smart ass comments I was ready to hear, they just started singing the song in it's entirety right then and there, it was wonderful.

I'll end this post with a couple shots of Nate chilling with the cats. This also serves as proof that Nicole has not completely taken over ownership of the couch (I must have been in the bathroom these few moments).

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yup, we decided to start a blog. Why? Sure, a catchy blog title helps but we also thought you'd be entertained following along with us as we figure out this new world we entered into about 5 months ago.

So, a little information about the Mather family: There's Nate the Great, Nicole, Soon to be born Baby Stetsi, and the cats Gigi and Pepe. Stetsi is over halfway done with getting ready to make her entrance into the world. She is due May 16, 2009 so a little less than 4 months to go. Here's a picture of me and Stetsi taken today.

The nickname Stetsi comes from a classic Stetson Cologne commercial from the early 90's, Don't look for a logical reason on why the Biegansky clan still sings this song to each other from time to time or why the nickname of our baby girl is a cologne because there isn't one. We just got a kick out of Eric (my brother) asking me whether it was a "Stetson" or "Stetsanne" when we found out the sex and it just stuck. Gotta admit, the song is kind of catchy.

We are wonderfully clueless about what we need to do. We are so grateful to have so many resources around us (especially our family and friends) but for whatever reason (probably laziness) we just aren't in that mode, at least yet. Besides our weekly babycenter updates telling us what fruit stetsi is the size of, I submit random topics and questions into google, and that's about it. Examples include: "sore butt bone" and "boob weight."

We do have a nice long list of names that is having a hard time shrinking. We still really like the name Rinn (my mother's maiden name) but she's probably groaning right now reading this; she hates it.

Here's one more picture for the first blog post. This is a picture of everything we currently have for Stetsi. A special thanks to my sister-in-law Jill for that big red bag of baby clothes she still had in her basement. Also, thanks to her and Eric, I have the fanciest jeans I've ever owned (Seven Brand) that just make me feel darn good. I am wearing them in the above picture. Thanks guys.

With Obama's inauguration this past week and seeing Stetsi move for the first time has made it a week to remember. We hope you enjoy our Mather Blather. Till next time.