Thursday, January 22, 2009

Yup, we decided to start a blog. Why? Sure, a catchy blog title helps but we also thought you'd be entertained following along with us as we figure out this new world we entered into about 5 months ago.

So, a little information about the Mather family: There's Nate the Great, Nicole, Soon to be born Baby Stetsi, and the cats Gigi and Pepe. Stetsi is over halfway done with getting ready to make her entrance into the world. She is due May 16, 2009 so a little less than 4 months to go. Here's a picture of me and Stetsi taken today.

The nickname Stetsi comes from a classic Stetson Cologne commercial from the early 90's, Don't look for a logical reason on why the Biegansky clan still sings this song to each other from time to time or why the nickname of our baby girl is a cologne because there isn't one. We just got a kick out of Eric (my brother) asking me whether it was a "Stetson" or "Stetsanne" when we found out the sex and it just stuck. Gotta admit, the song is kind of catchy.

We are wonderfully clueless about what we need to do. We are so grateful to have so many resources around us (especially our family and friends) but for whatever reason (probably laziness) we just aren't in that mode, at least yet. Besides our weekly babycenter updates telling us what fruit stetsi is the size of, I submit random topics and questions into google, and that's about it. Examples include: "sore butt bone" and "boob weight."

We do have a nice long list of names that is having a hard time shrinking. We still really like the name Rinn (my mother's maiden name) but she's probably groaning right now reading this; she hates it.

Here's one more picture for the first blog post. This is a picture of everything we currently have for Stetsi. A special thanks to my sister-in-law Jill for that big red bag of baby clothes she still had in her basement. Also, thanks to her and Eric, I have the fanciest jeans I've ever owned (Seven Brand) that just make me feel darn good. I am wearing them in the above picture. Thanks guys.

With Obama's inauguration this past week and seeing Stetsi move for the first time has made it a week to remember. We hope you enjoy our Mather Blather. Till next time.


  1. Hey Niki, thanks for posting this blog -- it will be fund to watch your journey and participate a little from afar. So best wishes, Boris

  2. Hi Nicole - I’ve been reading your blogs especially the posts of your daughter Elise. I would really like to connect with you as I have a niece who has the same condition and her mum would love to contact someone who has experience with this especially with surgery etc. Thank you so much
