Thursday, March 11, 2010

Again? and Other Random Blather

We always heard that kids get sick a lot, but come on! Lily's in the midst of her second cold in a month. Seems like there was only a week of health between the two and now the messy nose and irritability is in full effect again. Oh well, seems a bit lighter this time than last. Either that or we're just resigned to dealing with it.

Nothing too eventful going on here, just a few new little signs that Lily is figuring out new things. She seems to understand more and more of what we're saying, whether it's "let's climb the stairs to go to bed" or "where's Mommy's nose", she responds. On the physical side of things, she's clapping her hands a bit and has stood on her own for a couple of seconds at a time. She's kind of particular about standing. She doesn't like to have her hands held, so we can't really do the traditional hold-her-hands-while-walking-along thing. But she's interested enough in letting go while holding onto our leg or furniture that she seems to be making progress towards walking. And of course with walking we'll get into the next phase of her getting into new trouble.

We're all excited to have signed up for our first athletic event of the year, Race for the Roses. Even Auntie Sonya is coming out for a visit and running with us. Nicole will push Lily in the BOB stroller, we'll see how she likes moving at a faster pace. It's funny, we love the BOB for its versatility and maneuverability, but we've never actually jogged with it.

Our house hunting adventures continue. We've basically figured out that we are really picky. Really, really picky. Highlights over the past couple of weeks have been looking at the prototypical upper-middle class house in the suburbs and a haunted house/mansion in the city. The suburbia place was very nice but just didn't feel like THE place for us. The mansion was just crazy, 120 years old and 6,000 square feet. It was perfectly livable as a 2-bedroom, but the rest of the 2nd and 3rd floor looked like they were about to vaporize into dust and the basement was truly a dungeon. Regardless, out of our price range and effort level. Onward!

That's about it for now, but I'll leave you with a pic of Lily showing her excitement that spring training has started...

1 comment:

  1. being sick sucks! and good luck with the Race for the Roses and house hunt! love to see photos of Lily - maybe she'll be running that race with you. :-)
