Sunday, March 28, 2010

Flip Flop

We were discussing at dinner tonight how we've become flip-floppers. Not like a wishy-washy politician, more like we constantly alternate what we're doing. Whose turn is it to change Lily's diaper? Who wants to carry her in the ergo carrier? Whose turn is it to feed her lunch? Whose turn is it to work out during her nap? Whose turn is it to blog? Nicole gets her Monday evenings with the girls, I get my Tuesday nights with the band... and on and on. Sometimes it does feel like we're doing half as many personal things as we used to, but fun times with Lily is a good trade.

On the other hand, there are several things that have belonged to only one of us from Lily's arrival until today. Nicole always does the ponytails or pigtails. I always hold Lily while we sing her bedtime song and then put her into her crib. Nicole trims her nails (though for the first month or so it was all me). When the three of us go out, I always drive the car. And only one of us has boobs that do anything....

I guess it's been a couple of weeks since the last blog, and we've been having fun in general. We've fought off yet another cold (will they ever stop?), but we pushed through and have been enjoying the great Spring weather with plenty of walks and trips to the park. There are a couple of playgrounds within walking distance and we're just starting to get to the point where Lily can enjoy them. She would rather try to climb up the slide than go down it, but she enjoys the baby swings. And last weekend she got to crawl around on a play structure and really liked going back and forth through the tunnel. Not sure how much Nicole liked crawling around in there too, but it's all about Lily.

Here are a couple of videos of her latest antics. (If you get the blog in e-mail and the videos don't show up, just look online at


  1. You guys are great about both posting blogs - I still need to get Alex to do one! Love hearing about Lily's latest and dreaming about when Magdalena will be doing those things too.

  2. Ha!! I love the parental commentary in the first video. And the second game with Lily looks like loads of fun!
