Friday, October 8, 2010

Snack Trap

After our first full week in Germany, I know I have learned a lot but there is so much more to learn that I have to take the time and stop and look back to see how far I've come already. All I'm doing is looking forward on what else I want to figure out. The snack trap has turned out to be a great conversation starter with 2 moms so far. Apparently, they are not that common here; I should start an import business. The playgrounds here are pretty much all based in sand so you'll see the little kids wearing what look like oversized fishing overalls. As far as shopping goes here, I'm still overwhelmed by all the shopping options from farmers stands at street corners (imagine a fruit stand every few blocks on 23rd street), organic only stores, bigger USA size stores with organic sections, and then those cute little bakeries and delis that are tough to pass without stopping in to take a peek (great place to practice German).

Nate has had to work a lot this week with evening calls with the US, and he's off to Copenhagen for 4 days next week. We haven't had as much family time together as we're used to and it shows in just how clingy Lily is to me. It would be nice for her to want to play with only Daddy for a while so I can just take a break even if I'm in the same room but as with all things with little ones, this too shall pass. Lily and I have been tourists in the morning and more like locals in the late afternoon with going to parks and running errands. A friend asked me what my favorite thing about living in Munich is so far and at this point, it has to be the touristy adventures Lily and I have taken. I love that even I can go explore something new which is usually something really old around here. My biggest challenge is how lonely I already feel at times. The people here are much more reserved at first so I just have to be patient as well as gain more confidence in my German speaking abilities.

Here are a few pics from this past week

At the English Gardens (HUGE urban park with of course beer gardens mixed in)

In the kids section of the German museum, music part with oversized instruments.
At the Munich zoo which feels more like an open preserve.
Frauenkirche tower in the background
Here's a cute little video of Lily and a Chimpanzee.

1 comment:

  1. I'm sure your German is excellent! Hopefully you'll be able to take Nate sightseeing with you soon, but you and Lily look great. Good for you to get out and see everything! Oh, and the fruit vendor thing is common here too - every few blocks there is someone with a wagon. Though I bet the threat of fecal matter on the produce (wash with water and soap!) is not so prevalent in Germany... :-)
