Saturday, April 25, 2020

Week 6 - 1.5 lbs of sunshine

Thanks to a 1.5 lb white and blue eyed color point bob tail kitten, we had a really good week. Falling in love really does make us don rose colored glasses letting all the annoyances from the week just melt away.  The anticipation and face time calls with a 6 week old kitten kept our spirits high.  We got confirmation Thursday night that we would be her forever home.  We met her for the first time at pick up Friday afternoon and can't keep our eyes off of her.  We will keep her in a safe room for the next week to help the transition for both her and her 11 month old sister Moxie.  Elise got to sleep in the bathroom with her on the first night.  Elise didn't care at all that her head was inches away from the toilet.  Elise is in love.  We all are. It was actually Elise that picked her out of the 5 kittens on a face time call.  I had another one in mind from chats beforehand but Elise was adamant about this one.  It was meant to be.

I noticed in the news this week was quite a bit about Georgia opening back up.  The president recommended we should study injecting disinfectant in people to cure COVID-19,  immunity after having it is not a guarantee, lots of opinions on when and how USA should reopen, Oregon continues to flatten the curve.  Oregon has seen 87 deaths, USA - 54K deaths, 200K deaths worldwide which only tells one story. Most people do recover from it but unclear what the rate is.  

Week 6 Video:

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