Saturday, May 2, 2020

Week 7 - Mo

This week has simply been all about our new kitten.  Our life had already noticeably slowed down and this past week slowed it down even more. Her full name is Mochi March Mather. She is little sister to Moxie May Mather.  We are not sure if Mo or Momo will stick for her nickname.  Elise still likes to call her BK (Short for Bees Knees) which was her name in foster care.  We'll see how it works itself out. Moxie is very playful and curious about Mochi and it's been entertaining introducing them in steps.

As far as COVID-19 goes, Oregon continues to flatten the curve.  A lot more news articles on long term economic impacts, the phased reintroduction approach, and risk of a 2nd wave come later this year.  Oregon is looking at the first real lift of restrictions at the end of May.  We shall see.

If you're interested in our weekly recap video, sounds like you have to go to the website, to view it best.

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