Thursday, March 5, 2009

Scatterbrained Thoughts

I had a bit of a moment the other day. I was leaving a voicemail enquiring about a tour at a daycare center up the street. It was the first moment I recognized that I was doing something specifically for our baby and it really made me feel like a Dad. Not a huge thing, but it definitely gave me the feeling that we were about to enter a whole new realm.

We're casually looking for a new house, and school quality is on the list of considerations for the first time. Not at the top of the list since we don't really know how long we'd be there, but it's a consideration nonetheless. And proximity to a park or something resembling a park is on the list too. But probably the biggest consideration is being able to walk to whatever we need, primarily groceries, and restaurants and greenspace. There are plenty of neighborhoods that would meet those criteria, but most of them are on the East side which would mean a longer commute.

I do have to give a shout out to Marc for proposing a manly shower equivalent. Since Nicole gets her shower (details coming soon, ladies), Marc and I will escape to Seattle to sneak in what will probably be my last baseball game for a while, Tigers-Mariners in mid-April. Looking forward to it, as long as Stetsi doesn't decide to pop out a month early.

Another quick ha ha moment, Nicole decided to go to Ikea last Sunday as she was restless. I had a convenient excuse of being in the middle of baking our first loaf of homemade bread. She made it a solid five minutes there before deciding there were too many people there with small children and bailing out. But she couldn't really bail out, she had to continue through the Ikea shopping maze for another 20 minutes. She now describes it as "the Target toy section on crack".

I'll leave you with a picture Nicole took as I typed this blog entry... Gigi loves to get comfy on my lap. Live it up for another two and a half months Gigi, then my lap might get a bit busy.


  1. i have to put in a plug for our neighborhood :)
    While theres no backroads option for the commute, it seems about the same if you take the highway... and it has all the other things you said you're looking for!

  2. whoops - it was actually me who posted that last comment... my sister was evidently still signed in!
