Monday, May 18, 2009

The First 24 Hours at Home

We just got back from an appointment with a lactation consultant and I wasn't happy with how it went. Lily is barely losing weight and she's latching on great. The consultant was talking a lot and trying for me to change things around quite a bit. I need things simple. I left with really sore boobs. Lily must not have liked the advice either because in the 1 hr we were there, she managed to poo/pee twice. The 2nd time was while we were changing her. It was hilarious! She made a royal mess of the whole area and we had to ask for a spare shirt. We didn't do a good job packing our first diaper bag.

Anyway, I've been making mental notes of what's been taking up our time during these first 24 hours. It's random but it's really what's been going on in the Mather house

  • Besides crying right when she was born, I got choked up the first time she looked at me while breast feeding for the first time. I cried hard for the 2nd time during the drive home from the hospital. Time suddenly felt too fast and I wanted it all to slow down.
  • Going to the bathroom is literally a 6 step process. Good Times.
  • I always said the purring of cats is my favorite sound. Lily breathing has easily trumped it.
  • At this moment, I can't fathom taking care of Lily by myself. I NEED Nate.
  • Breastfeeding had been going well, might change after this darn appt I just had, but I prefer the football hold. I look forward to being able to start breastfeeding in bed when she gets a little older
  • Nate and I truly suck at swaddling.
  • Lily can kind of roll over onto her side on her own, wtf? That scares me.
  • We did not let the cats in the room at night and won't for a while. Girls, you were right and it was an easy decision once Lily actually arrived.
  • Reading friend's and family's messages after a sleepless night felt really REALLY good.
  • Besides checking diaper and feeding, we have no clue what to do if she fusses.
  • It's nice to lay on my back again.
  • I suck at keeping time and tracking which boob I used last. I have to write everything down. What pills can I take when, how long was the last feed, when was it, when did she last pee, poo, and what did the poo look like. SO MUCH TO KEEP TRACK OF!
  • We wish we got more shirts with the cuffs that covers her hands. Good thing, we got a few extras from the hospital
  • Lily sneezes a lot which is normal
  • I can't figure out how to make myself comfortable while feeding but Lily is fine. I look like a hunchback.
  • The belly wrap rocks! I can already tell a difference.

We posted Lily's first baby album. Check out the pics at the link at the upper right of this page.

1 comment:

  1. Posted a comment and it totally disappeared. Weird. Anyways - who knew there was so much to know in the first 24 hours. I guess no book can tell you everything and you know your baby better than a lactation consultant. I had an idea for the shirt with the could put little socks over her hands? Anyways - see you soon!
