Thursday, May 7, 2009


It's Day 4 of not having to work and I gotta say, I don't mind one bit. No sign of a nesting instinct kicking in because I'm too busy being lazy. Each time I skype with family lately, I'm usually laying down. Being able to read earlier in the day has made it possible for me to not fall asleep as easily. I really want to work on the Germany portion of our Sabbatical video but darn Vista on our new computer is not compatible with our video editing software so we'll see if I still finish it in time.

We had our first cervical dilation check today at the doctor's office. I am 2 cm's dilated, 85% effaced, and she's in the zero fetal station. To me, that means I'm 2 cm's away from being able to get an epidural - do not want to miss that window. Effacement refers to the length of the cervix so it makes sense that her head is thinning it out if I'm already 2 cm's dilated. The fetal station refers to "how low can she go" and zero means she's low and engaged, just 4 levels from literally showing her face to the world.

We were both so happy to hear that I was 2 cm's dilated but really only because we think progress is good. I'm ready when she is has become my motto; if I'm uncomfortable, she must be uncomfortable too. On the way home from the doctor's office, I started going back and forth again in my mind about how nice it would be to have a little more time off before she comes. I might still be late even with today's news. Nate is more ready than I am to do this because he remembers my discomfort episodes and whining a lot better than I do and he hates to see me like that.

Not only has Pepe been a big cuddler lately, he's also the only one in the family that has put on sympathy weight. As you saw from earlier post, Nate has failed miserably in that department. Pepe on the other hand deserves a medal and a diet.

1 comment:

  1. i totally remember the feeling of "it'd be nice to have a little more time"... we'll know you've decided you're really not ready quite yet if you "only" work out until 39 weeks, not 40 :)

    ps well done pepe... doing your part :)
