Sunday, September 20, 2009

Return To Work Eve

It is the night before I return to work after staying at home with Lily for the last 4 months. For so long during my leave, all I kept saying was "I don't have to think about work, it's so far off." Sure, it crossed my mind quite a bit but never to the point of it dangerously dwelling in my mind. This past week with Nate home was just one great moment after another. Lily has been extra busy learning so much in the past few days. I posted a video a couple days ago of Lily almost rolling over and now she rolls over with ease. She tries to giggle more and more (still sounds like a coughing laugh right now) grabs at toys more than ever and has discovered her feet.

I didn't think I'd cry about my role as a stay at home mom coming to an end but as I looked at all the pictures from the past week and reflected a bit more, I can't fight back the tears. I'm so proud of how far Nate and I have come, how far Lily has come in discovering the world, and it's only been 4 months. I didn't think it would be this fun to be Lily's mom when my leave ends. I thought it would still be too new and stressful to think of any time at home with Lily in the first 4 months to feel like a vacation but it has.

So, I'll dust off my pumping bag, find my Intel badge, pack a picture of Lily, and drive to work tomorrow. The change is here and now we just need to do it.

Here are a couple videos of Lily that made us both smile: Lily giving her first signs of a giggle and Lily surprising us with her rolling over easily.

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