Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stay At Home Mom and Dad

This past week has been good, really good. Nate and I have been stay at home parents to our 4 month old Lily and wow has it been fun. It makes me daydream about winning the lottery and letting us both stay home to raise our big Lil'. Lily is a lot easier these days and I'm starting to understand how your own kid is by the far the funniest person in the world, even funnier than Stephen Colbert. And he's funny.

I am going back to work next week and in between picnics in the park and adventures to places like the bookstore (I'm not being sarcastic, it's really fun), we've been working on finalizing childcare and introducing the bottle. Lily likes the bottle as much as I like Serena Williams - not at all. I am choosing not to think about getting back to work because it's nowhere near as fun as our upcoming weekend. We're going to visit a friend's farm, Kookoolan, visit a friend's new hotel in wine country, The Allison, and hopefully enjoy a Michigan win.

I love that Nate will be a stay at home Dad for the next month. I'm not worried at all. I think Nate will be better at it than I have been. He has so much energy and he likes to be busy giving Lily lots of practice time when it comes to tummy time, sitting up and crawling. I'm much more in the "it'll happen when it happens" mode which really means I really love her at this age and don't want her to grow up. Nate also worries and stresses less than I do. I had this irrational fear the other day while I crossed a bridge with Lily in her stroller. I literally picked up speed while crossing the bridge because I was scared she'd somehow fall off the bridge. I know. It makes no sense but it's what went through my mind. Good times.

Lily had her 4 month check up today and all is good. She's in the 81% for weight (15lb 3oz) and 76% for height (25''). The only thing that keeps her off the charts is the amount of hair on her head.

Here's a video of Lily kinda rolling over.

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