Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Hospital, Singing, and Opa

Woohoo - I am feeling better. I think this is my 3rd day in a row of not taking a nap and feeling fine in the evening. 16 weeks- are you my turning point? It's lookin' like it.

Hassel and Hof are getting lots of attention at the doctors. I have to go every 3 weeks and they do an ultrasound every time. I'm slowly starting to learn the differences of having a baby here. So far I've learned that the doctor I see every 3 weeks will not be delivering my baby. At the Hospital I'm going to (3 minute walk), each patient gets a doctor and midwife assigned based simply on timing. It's a University Hospital so I've been assured they all speak English. I do not want any kind of language barrier when push comes to shove (no pun intended :) ). Apparently it's the law here to hire a midwife after birth who will stop by for x days to do newborn measurements and I don't know what else yet. My current doctor spoke so highly of the Hospital I'm delivering at. She said something like "the staff is amazing, you will love it, the sanitation is a little low and the bathrooms are located down the hall but it's really great." I think she meant because the hospital is really old (1857) it may seem like it's a little dirty. I've heard too many positives. Here's a picture of the hospital - like a castle entrance.

Besides the predictable interests like playing with dolls, reading books, and swimming, Lily seems to be spending the most time simply singing. Whether it's in her crib or during meal times, she wants to either sing or have mommy sing. She doesn't speak much German yet but she has a book full of German kid songs memorized. I have to also give a shout out to Wimbledon for helping me give Lily lots of chances to practice her tennis moves in the living room. Her ready position is getting good.

Opa visited for a couple days earlier this week. He was all about unpacking boxes but we did find some time to just enjoy Munich. Thanks for coming Opa. Here are a few pics.


  1. Awesome - you get to deliver in a castle! Wow! Not many people can say that. :-) So you should be able to tell the gender of your twins soon - are you guys going to find out? Great pics of Lily and Opa - looks like they have a very special bond.

  2. Wonderful news! Great to have a midwife - I'm sure they will be helpful for you and the kiddos during and post delivery. Lily looks adorable as always - how could she not be a singer with parents like you two?!
