Saturday, May 30, 2020

Week 11 - A news shift in the wrong direction

For the first time since this global pandemic began, COVID-19 has taken a back seat to being the main news headline in America.  Racism in the USA has taken a resounding front seat this past week as the headline news story and it's understandable given what has recently occurred.  Whether it was a jogger, a bird watcher, or an arrest that turned to murder - it has instantly angered enough Americans to make A LOT of noise.  Noise in the form of peaceful protests, articulate speeches, well written articles, and moving posts,  advice on what to do, and also in violent protests across the country.  Against the COVID backdrop, it adds an intense extra element of emotion and unknown to what will result.  Then, on top of all this, what felt like a surprise appearance from a giant Eagle wearing a shirt that says "BAD ASS GOOD NEWS," we witnessed two Americans be launched into space towards the International Space Station with one of the goals being one flight closer to making space a destination for more people.

In our own little world,  the interest in doing distance learning is starting to noticeably wane.  Bike rides, outdoor tennis, backyard shenanigans, and just general screen time to zone out increased.  Starting to shift our focus to thinking about summer a bit more.  Teacher Mom is shifting towards Camp Director Mom.  Nate works long and full days.  If he gets a break, he'll spend it taking a walk.  He may work from home but we rarely see him. His willingness to handle dinner since this all started 11 weeks ago continues to be one of the greatest actionable gifts he's given me.

Week 11 Video Recap

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Week 10 - Openish

There was live sports on TV again.  Paul watched some Bundesliga with no spectators and he said "looks like they're just playing for fun."  I watched some live women's tennis with no spectators.  Each player had to shag their own balls and could only touch the other player's balls (he he he) with their racket when hitting them back to their side between points.  There was only an umpire on the court wearing a mask.  No handshake at the end of the match either.    It was all played on a private tennis court on somebody's lavish Florida compound.  I commend the effort to get competitive world class tennis back on TV.

We have 2.5 weeks left of school.  I'm starting to look at vacation homes to enjoy in short stints over the summer.  In the past I'd usually look for homes in close walking distance to a downtown area of a cute small town.  Not this year.  Key words like private, remote, big yard, and secluded is what I look for now.  We will either do no camps this summer or very few based on what is even available and our own personal comfort.  Quite a few of our camps have already been canceled.

It was a more quiet week.  Nate continued his war with the bamboo roots when time allowed.   I took my first walk with a friend and felt fine about it.  It had only been porch chats up to this point or quick chats if we ran into friends in the neighborhood.  Our biggest highlight of the week was the reopening of outdoor public tennis courts in an area about 20 minutes from us.  We did it.  After 10 weeks of no real tennis, we finally got to hit the ball again.  It felt great.  Ready to do it again.

In COVID news, the world is slowly starting to reopen right at the same time as the # of COVID deaths in the US alone approaches 100,000.  I don't get a sense that America is grieving together over this Memorial weekend.  We should be.  I want to hear more stories; they aren't even getting funerals. I want more unifying words from a leader somewhere to help us grieve.  I felt it after 9-11. I felt it after Newtown. I don't this time.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Week 9 - celebrations

Lily is now 11.  Our self motivated Lil' made her birthday requests known well in advance (we're talking pre COVID-19 times) and even though she had to pivot hard to adjust to the current social distancing rules, she had a fantastic day.  We all did.  She revels in her birthday. She came up with the creative idea to decorate her bike and do a family bike-by ride past her friends' houses.  She also planned a birthday Kahoot on Zoom with friends, requested a scavenger hunt, cardboard sword duels, and family movie.  Food requests were detailed for every meal whether it was mango juice with french toast casserole for breakfast or Little Big Burger, Dr. Pepper, and Oma's German Potato salad for dinner. She knows what she wants and voices it clearly....respect. Her giddy excitement turning 11 makes me so happy with bittersweet tears in my eye, even as I type this.  These 9 weeks of isolation have shown me even more just how quick her brain is, how thoughtful and mannered she is (except with her siblings), and how quickly my already independent Lily is growing up.

Nate and I also celebrated 14 years of marriage.  We got take out from the restaurant that Nate and I went to the night of our proposal.  14 years ago, I was standing at the cake display and he just looked over at me in silence and handed me a note that would start an incredibly romantic proposal.  Literally everything changed for us after that single moment.

In COVID-19 news this past week, Phase 1 reopening began in almost all Oregon counties except  ours and 2 neighboring counties. A last minute rule, though, allowed retail to open in our county as long as the store isn't in a mall.  Yet, our county is still supposed to stay home unless it's for essential needs....a touch confusing on the messaging.  Sounds like our county will reopen in June.  Overnight camps for the summer are not allowed in Oregon and day camps are ok as long as all the rules are adhered to.  Some camps have already canceled regardless so we don't know if our kids will be part of any camps this year at this point.  Nationwide, news was all about reopening the economy and the debate on whether it's too soon or not.  Time will tell.  Oregon continues to flatten the curve.

Week 10 recap video

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Week 8 - My girls

Mochi and Moxie are playmates.  I caught Elise and Lily hanging out a couple times happily this past week.  I was hoping for it but definitely not expecting it.  Maybe it's a shift or maybe it's an outlier but either way, I'll take it.  Wait, literally as I type this, Elise is screaming like a mad woman at Lily "GO DOWNSTAIRS. I WANT ALONE TIME"  in the huge playroom instead of either asking her nicely, going to her room and closing her door, or coming down to ask us for help.  Nope, she just yells at the top of her lungs to the point that her voice remains hoarse for days.  Well, at least my other girls, Mochi and Moxie, are still cuddling.

We have five more weeks of online "school."  The school district has now issued no school on Fridays to save money for next school year which all in all is not a big deal but just feels like a little more work for Teacher Me to keep them engaged academically on Fridays. It is what it is.  Lily is in her element working independently and being self motivated.  Paul and Elise will be quick to say "I don't know what to do" before even reading the directions - infuriating. 

Portland now has PDX Greenways which are roads in our neighborhood closed to cars to help with bikers and walkers keep social distance while outside.  I read that if we stay the course, we are about a month out from entering Phase 1 of reopening Multnomah County.  The tone overall feels a bit less "we're in this together to save lives" this past week to a bit more about each person or family following their own rules based on what they deem to be appropriate calculated risks versus what has been mandated by our Governor.  Whether it's traveling away from home, letting kids hang out with their friends in close proximity, or not wearing a mask in stores, it doesn't feel like there is as much solidarity anymore.  Everyone is dealing with so many different types of challenges and I choose to believe that everyone is doing the best they can which helps me react with more empathy and kindness than fear and anger. 

Week 8 Recap Video

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Week 7 - Mo

This week has simply been all about our new kitten.  Our life had already noticeably slowed down and this past week slowed it down even more. Her full name is Mochi March Mather. She is little sister to Moxie May Mather.  We are not sure if Mo or Momo will stick for her nickname.  Elise still likes to call her BK (Short for Bees Knees) which was her name in foster care.  We'll see how it works itself out. Moxie is very playful and curious about Mochi and it's been entertaining introducing them in steps.

As far as COVID-19 goes, Oregon continues to flatten the curve.  A lot more news articles on long term economic impacts, the phased reintroduction approach, and risk of a 2nd wave come later this year.  Oregon is looking at the first real lift of restrictions at the end of May.  We shall see.

If you're interested in our weekly recap video, sounds like you have to go to the website, to view it best.