Saturday, May 23, 2020

Week 10 - Openish

There was live sports on TV again.  Paul watched some Bundesliga with no spectators and he said "looks like they're just playing for fun."  I watched some live women's tennis with no spectators.  Each player had to shag their own balls and could only touch the other player's balls (he he he) with their racket when hitting them back to their side between points.  There was only an umpire on the court wearing a mask.  No handshake at the end of the match either.    It was all played on a private tennis court on somebody's lavish Florida compound.  I commend the effort to get competitive world class tennis back on TV.

We have 2.5 weeks left of school.  I'm starting to look at vacation homes to enjoy in short stints over the summer.  In the past I'd usually look for homes in close walking distance to a downtown area of a cute small town.  Not this year.  Key words like private, remote, big yard, and secluded is what I look for now.  We will either do no camps this summer or very few based on what is even available and our own personal comfort.  Quite a few of our camps have already been canceled.

It was a more quiet week.  Nate continued his war with the bamboo roots when time allowed.   I took my first walk with a friend and felt fine about it.  It had only been porch chats up to this point or quick chats if we ran into friends in the neighborhood.  Our biggest highlight of the week was the reopening of outdoor public tennis courts in an area about 20 minutes from us.  We did it.  After 10 weeks of no real tennis, we finally got to hit the ball again.  It felt great.  Ready to do it again.

In COVID news, the world is slowly starting to reopen right at the same time as the # of COVID deaths in the US alone approaches 100,000.  I don't get a sense that America is grieving together over this Memorial weekend.  We should be.  I want to hear more stories; they aren't even getting funerals. I want more unifying words from a leader somewhere to help us grieve.  I felt it after 9-11. I felt it after Newtown. I don't this time.

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