Saturday, May 30, 2020

Week 11 - A news shift in the wrong direction

For the first time since this global pandemic began, COVID-19 has taken a back seat to being the main news headline in America.  Racism in the USA has taken a resounding front seat this past week as the headline news story and it's understandable given what has recently occurred.  Whether it was a jogger, a bird watcher, or an arrest that turned to murder - it has instantly angered enough Americans to make A LOT of noise.  Noise in the form of peaceful protests, articulate speeches, well written articles, and moving posts,  advice on what to do, and also in violent protests across the country.  Against the COVID backdrop, it adds an intense extra element of emotion and unknown to what will result.  Then, on top of all this, what felt like a surprise appearance from a giant Eagle wearing a shirt that says "BAD ASS GOOD NEWS," we witnessed two Americans be launched into space towards the International Space Station with one of the goals being one flight closer to making space a destination for more people.

In our own little world,  the interest in doing distance learning is starting to noticeably wane.  Bike rides, outdoor tennis, backyard shenanigans, and just general screen time to zone out increased.  Starting to shift our focus to thinking about summer a bit more.  Teacher Mom is shifting towards Camp Director Mom.  Nate works long and full days.  If he gets a break, he'll spend it taking a walk.  He may work from home but we rarely see him. His willingness to handle dinner since this all started 11 weeks ago continues to be one of the greatest actionable gifts he's given me.

Week 11 Video Recap


  1. Hi Nicole !
    My name is Anely and I have a four month old baby in which was born with macrodactyly. I am a physical therapist and wanted to see what route you guys tools with Elise. Please contact me via email with your insight . Was not sure how to contact you guys- just trying to get information. I live in Houston Tx , our medical field it’s pretty good! Will have a doctors appt with MD next week to get ortho referral.
