Saturday, May 9, 2020

Week 8 - My girls

Mochi and Moxie are playmates.  I caught Elise and Lily hanging out a couple times happily this past week.  I was hoping for it but definitely not expecting it.  Maybe it's a shift or maybe it's an outlier but either way, I'll take it.  Wait, literally as I type this, Elise is screaming like a mad woman at Lily "GO DOWNSTAIRS. I WANT ALONE TIME"  in the huge playroom instead of either asking her nicely, going to her room and closing her door, or coming down to ask us for help.  Nope, she just yells at the top of her lungs to the point that her voice remains hoarse for days.  Well, at least my other girls, Mochi and Moxie, are still cuddling.

We have five more weeks of online "school."  The school district has now issued no school on Fridays to save money for next school year which all in all is not a big deal but just feels like a little more work for Teacher Me to keep them engaged academically on Fridays. It is what it is.  Lily is in her element working independently and being self motivated.  Paul and Elise will be quick to say "I don't know what to do" before even reading the directions - infuriating. 

Portland now has PDX Greenways which are roads in our neighborhood closed to cars to help with bikers and walkers keep social distance while outside.  I read that if we stay the course, we are about a month out from entering Phase 1 of reopening Multnomah County.  The tone overall feels a bit less "we're in this together to save lives" this past week to a bit more about each person or family following their own rules based on what they deem to be appropriate calculated risks versus what has been mandated by our Governor.  Whether it's traveling away from home, letting kids hang out with their friends in close proximity, or not wearing a mask in stores, it doesn't feel like there is as much solidarity anymore.  Everyone is dealing with so many different types of challenges and I choose to believe that everyone is doing the best they can which helps me react with more empathy and kindness than fear and anger. 

Week 8 Recap Video

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