Thursday, February 12, 2009

In 18 Years...

We figured that having a baby was a big enough change that it warranted visiting a financial planner to make sure we had our heads on straight. We had our last meeting with her tonight and as it turns out our heads are just fine. What I thought you might find interesting was college costs for Stetsi projected forward to 2027. Assuming 5% annual tuition increases, a higher-end public university would be almost $140k. A private college comes out to a hair under $400k. Crazy stuff.

We told Stetsi about this cost and she flipped out. Or flipped. Or kicked. Whatever it was, we caught her moving on video. It happens around 15 seconds in. Hope you think it's as cool as we do.


  1. Wow! At first I had no idea what I was looking at !

  2. Yeah, tough to tell at first. To make it even tougher, there's the furry black/white blob on on the left which is Pepe purring away.

  3. ah. that's great that you caught that on video. such a cool thing to see, let alone feel.
