Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Rollercoaster. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

I often say pregnancy has been quite a rollercoaster ride both physically and emotionally. I really don't like saying it's because of hormones because I picture little hormone elves taking control of my body like I'm a puppet and I'm at their mercy without really knowing it. For example, a friend forwarded me the following video,, and instead of it making me laugh, I cried. I don't even know exactly why, it just freaked me out.

I'm not that great at striking up a dialogue with Stetsi but I do catch myself singing a lot more. I get a kick out of listening to Nate talk to her. Last night he was telling her about the game of Basketball while watching the Blazers play.

There are signs of Stetsi's behaviors emerging. She moves the most at night and after I drink hot chocolate in the afternoon. If she's in the middle of a tumbling routine, singing "Eternal Flame" by the Bangles gets her to be still immediately. We've tested this quite a few times and hasn't failed us yet. Unfortunately, the moment we start singing that song, the cats disappear with an annoyed look on their faces. The moving doesn't hurt at all but after about 15 minutes of pretty regular movement while I'm trying to fall asleep, it can get a bit annoying. I actually jolt sometimes with how strong she can be.

Stetsi has already helped me with keeping things in perspective. In the past, I have let work stress me out way too much or let it dwell in my mind too long but Stetsi has truly helped me just turn it off. I feel like it's much more of a choice to just not hang out in situations or with people that irritate me or stress me out and make more of an effort to hang out with people that I enjoy and admire. Sounds so easy but it hasn't been for me.

We're excited for our Dr's appointment tomorrow. We're going to get a 3D Ultrasound so stay tuned for some more pics this weekend.

I'll leave you with a couple pregnancy pictures Nate took tonight while I was unpacking the groceries. There is a noticable difference in my belly size from morning to night and at what angle the picture is taken at, illustrated nicely below

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