Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Weekend Routine

Sitting here on a Sunday morning as the weekly laundry is underway, pondering what our weekend routine will look like this summer. Probably a lot different than this weekend, which has been pretty social and active. We spent Friday and Saturday evenings dining with friends, catching up with friends at a park, and plan to watch the Oscars this evening with friends too... that will probably become a lot less frequent. We really enjoy spending time with friends and hope we're able to keep it up one way or another. We went for a nice two hour urban hike yesterday from our place up into North Portland. We did notice a couple walking with their baby in a backpack, but it's hard to see how we could walk for a two hour stretch without needing to stop and feed or change or who knows what.

At least a couple of things will probably stay the same. Reading the Sunday paper in bed will probably still be do-able, though we probably would rather keep sleeping at that point. And we did enjoy seeing a young couple out for dinner Friday night with their two month old baby and they seemed to have it together. As long as we're able to spend some good time outside in the summer sun I think we'll manage just fine.

In a way, our routine has already started adjusting to Stesti. We now regularly Skype with family and I'm able to hit more winners off of Nicole on the tennis court. And we're waking up earlier as Nicole gets tired earlier than she used to. At least two of those three things are fun for me.

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